General Meetings
General Meetings take place at the Presbyterian Church on the corner of Denmans Camp Road and Freshwater Street in Torquay. They are held on the first Monday of every month except January. The meeting starts at 7pm, but plants for display need to be in place by 6:30pm. The church hall is normally open from about 6:10pm. Help with setting up the Hall before the meeting, and returning it to its former state afterwards, is always welcome
Interested Grower Group
Interested Grower Group (IGG) Meetings take place on the 4th Saturday (not necessarily the last Saturday) of the month, except for December and January. Their location is now at the Orchid House, Elizabeth Street, Urangan, the meeting usually starts at 10am, please check the Newsletter in case of any changes.
Visitors are always welcome to our Monthly Meetings or Interested Growers Group (IGG).