April General Meeting

Presbyterian Church Denman Camp Road, Scarness, QLD, Australia

The meeting starts at 7pm, bring some nice plants for judging and they should be benched no later than 6.45pm

April Interested Growers Group Meeting

Hervey Bay Orchid House Elizabeth Street, Urangan, Queensland, Australia

The meeting is outdoors so bring along a hat, sunnies and a chair.  Tea and Coffee is provided. Experienced growers discuss and show examples of different plant issues such as pests, growing problems, repotting and so much more.  They also make themselves available to discuss specific problems you may have, so bring along a problem …

April Interested Growers Group Meeting Read More »

Gympie Orchid Show

Indoor Bowling Club Graham Street, Gympie, Queensland, Australia

Gympie Orchid Show

Indoor Bowling Club Graham Street, Gympie, Queensland, Australia

May General Meeting

Presbyterian Church Denman Camp Road, Scarness, QLD, Australia

The meeting starts at 7pm, bring some nice plants for judging and they should be benched no later than 6.45pm

May Interested Growers Group Meeting

Hervey Bay Orchid House Elizabeth Street, Urangan, Queensland, Australia

The meeting is outdoors so bring along a hat, sunnies and a chair.  Tea and Coffee is provided. Experienced growers discuss and show examples of different plant issues such as pests, growing problems, repotting and so much more.  They also make themselves available to discuss specific problems you may have, so bring along a problem …

May Interested Growers Group Meeting Read More »

June General Meeting

Presbyterian Church Denman Camp Road, Scarness, QLD, Australia

The meeting starts at 7pm, bring some nice plants for judging and they should be benched no later than 6.45pm

June Interested Growers Group Meeting

Hervey Bay Orchid House Elizabeth Street, Urangan, Queensland, Australia

The meeting is outdoors so bring along a hat, sunnies and a chair.  Tea and Coffee is provided. Experienced growers discuss and show examples of different plant issues such as pests, growing problems, repotting and so much more.  They also make themselves available to discuss specific problems you may have, so bring along a problem …

June Interested Growers Group Meeting Read More »